Sunday 21 October 2012

Cassio Preschool AVON Party Fundraiser!!!

I am doing a special AVON party for Cassio Preschool, where I will give 20% of all sales to Cassio Preschool to help support them and all the wonderful work they do.

If you are a parent, please take a moment to look over the on-line brochure here.

Note down anything you would like to purchase, and bring your list with you on either the 25th or 26th of October between 12pm (noon) and 1pm during the morning pick up times and afternoon drop off time.

I will have lots of samples on hand for you to try, as well as some items available for you to buy and take home then.

All orders will be placed Tuesday October 30th, and I will be at the preschool the following week during the morning pick up all week, and the afternoon drop offs on November 7th and 8th.

I look forward to seeing you on the 25th and 26th.
